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Aquabulle Néobulle White



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  1. Made in France
  2. Hyper lightweight, easy to change
  3. Drying express
  4. For babies of 6 months to 3 years.

Choose the size of your Aquabulle black depending on your t-shirt in the drop-down menu.

We advise you

Aquabulle Néobulle 4 sizes 4 colors

For the sizes, just choose in the drop-down menu based on your sweat-shirt (4 different sizes)

the Aquabulle comes in 4 colors

  1. TheAquabulle fushia.
  2. TheAquabulle Yellow.
  3. TheAquabulle Blue.
  4. And black.

Aquabulle Black : the sling is lightweight for the summer

In the summer, your Aquabulle Black will make it indispensable for wear quickly and easily baby. It will be perfect to accompany the baby during the first bathing. The Aquabulle is a kind of sling (sling but without the rings). It is very simple to put on thanks to its elastic system (encircled in blue on the picture of the aquabulle below).

Système élastique de l'aquabulle noir 

How to put on your door-baby summer

It is sufficient to use the elastic effect

  1. Unfold your Aquabulle black, and verify that there is no tour.
  2. Spend your aquabulle under the arm and above the head.
  3. The scarf is tight against you, the elastic system at the level of the shoulder.
  4. Place properly baby making sure you hold on to it.
  5. Baby is held under the legs
  6. Stretch the scarf Aquabulle to come and support the baby's back.

Aquabulle Néobulle porte-bébé d'eau

Video presentation of the Aquabulle.

A video situation in the water and the pool which also shows you how simple it is to install the Aquabulle.


  • Minimum age - 6 months
  • Recommended baby age - 6 - 36 months
  • Kind of Baby Carriers - Extra babycarrier
  • Baby's weight - 6 to 15 kg approx.
  • Made in - France
  • Main advantage - Facile et pas cher
  • Warranty - 2 years
  • Weight - 48 gr
  • Sécurité - European and German standards
  • Brand - Néobulle 1 route du Cros, Zac de la gravoux - 42380 Saint Bonnet le Chateau - France email : contact@neobulle.fr

Avis des clients (1 Avis)

Ternus J. - 21/08/2024

Assez pratique mais bébé glisse dedans


Bonjour avez vous ce sling sans anneau mais pour porté autre que dans l'eau? Merci d'avance


Merci pour votre question. L'Aquabulle de Néobulle peut tout à fait être utilisé hors de l'eau. Cela reste un portage d'appoint à utiliser sur un temps court. 

Belle journée à vous.

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