Toddler size
Fidella porte-bébé
Fidella FlyClick Toddler - Halfbuckle Baby Carrier
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We advise you
- Minimum age - 1 year
- Recommended baby age - A partir de 18 mois
- Kind of Baby Carriers - Hybride
- Clothing size - 74 - 104 cm
- Baby's weight - max.22 kg
- Made in - Turkey
- Waistbelt measures - 70 à 158 cm
- Panel Height - De 33 à 48 cm
- Seat width - De 24 à 45 cm
- Material - 100% organic cotton
- weight - 205 g/m²
- Brand - Fidella QLEVR NV - Waterkeringstraat 21 9320 Erembodegem Belgique email:
- Référence : F-FC-T-CL-TU-1065
- EAN : 5413421821065
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