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Love Radius

JPMBB Bundle Physiocarrier Cotton Black, pocket Charcoal Grey




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The Bundle, it is the assembly of 2 articles "I wear My Baby":

  1. a baby carrier physiological Physiocarrier
  2. Pack extensions, which includes cushion raise and shim header.

The Bundle is, therefore, a complete kit to wear from birth to 3 years.

Model : JPMBB Bundle Pack Physiocarrier Black Cotton pocket Anthracite.

We advise you

The Bundle of "I wear My baby"

The Bundle Pack, plenty of parents were waiting. Indeed, it is enough to read the notices on the physiocarrier to realize that a lot of parents prefer that the pack booster be included. I wear My baby, therefore, has listened to the advice and now offers a full pack.

Thanks to this new box, so you can not forget this pack indispensable for a new-born.

The pack booster details

So what is this pack a booster? Just to wear after the birth.

  • In effect, from 0 to 4 months : the baby can't spread his legs completely, and therefore must remain in a squatting position. It is for this reason that there must be a cushion to keep the back and buttocks.
  • After 4 months, the joints are more flexible, baby can therefore spread their legs more than 90°. The cuissent then come out of the carrier. The cushion is therefore no longer necessarily required.

Image Pack booster JPMBB

pack extension de JPMBB

Zoom in on the physiocarrier

  1. Mirror of portage (useful for porting dos)
  2. Cushions aerated
  3. Possibility of crossing the shoulder straps to change the press
  4. Hood is light, airy and transparent
  5. Pocket rollable to a thermo-ventilation by high heat
  6. Adjustable side straps for more comfort
  7. Sitting physiological
  8. 3 carry trades possible : front, side and back.

Pack bundle physiocarrier JPMBB noir anthracite


  • Minimum age - birth
  • Recommended baby age - 0 - 48 months (with insert)
  • Carrying positions - Front & Back
  • Kind of Baby Carriers - Full Buckle
  • Baby's weight - 3.5 to 20 kg approx.
  • Made in - Turkey
  • Shoulder straps measurement - 46 - 141 cm
  • Waistbelt measures - 63 - 131 cm
  • Main advantage - perfect for all morphologies
  • Warranty - 2 years
  • Height - 42 cm
  • Width - 43 cm
  • Mesh panel - Double tablier mesh et isolant
  • Brand - Love Radius JE PORTE MON BÉBÉ adresse : 366 Avenue Joseph-Louis Lambot, BP 50537 ZI LA GARDE, 83042 TOULON CEDEX 9. email :
  • Référence : BU-CO101012
  • EAN : 3760218242834

Bonjour, J'hésite entre le one de love and Carrie ou le physiocarriere de love radius, le quel me conseilleriez vous , nous souhaitons un porte bébé le plus physio pour un bébé de 1 mois

Merci pour votre question.

Nous vous recommandons Le One de Love and Carry, car il sera beaucoup plus ajustable au niveau de l'assise et permettra un bon ajustement pour plus de confort pour le parent qui porte et l'enfant.

Belle journée à vous.

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