Boba X Chambray - carrier Scalable Limited Series
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Your Boba X Petra Marsala : a unique look
With the summer collection, the patterns and colors of the Boba X are still evolving and adapt to the tones of each season. The Petra Marsala, with its motifs and discrete in its soft hue, orange will seduce you to complete your look from mom active.
The Boba X, the king of the door-baby changing
It fits all babies from birth to 4 years
The Boba X is a carrier preformed, which adapts to the morphology of each baby, and the specific needs of each age. It is thus shown to carry new-born babies than toddlers of 4 years. Choose the Boba X Petra Marsala, it is to invest on a way of porting that will accompany your baby over the years, up to a weight of 20 kg.
Apron adjustable
The apron of this preformed scalable to rule as well in height as in width, to follow the growth of your baby, and meet more than just the distance between her hips. The seat is adjustable :
- 30 to 40 cm in height
- 20 to 53 cm in width
Of the extensions of assisi are also provided with your door-baby Boba for the porting of the greatest.
A preformed designed for the comfort of babies and to carry
Physiological for babies
Installed all against you in your preformed Boba Carrier, your little one will have a physiological position from birth. Her legs are bent and his back is rounded for comfort. And for that the rides bearings extend, a comfortable padding has been added under the thighs of the baby.
Pleasant for the wearer
Thanks to its wide padded waist belt, and shoulder straps croisables and strengthened, the comfort of the parent holder is not forgotten. The settings are simple to perform, and can be done with one hand. Your Boba X Petra Marsala also adapts to your morphology !
The tricks of Boba Carrier
The Boba X is also appreciated for its small more :
- a fastener handbag hyper-practical
- a zip pouch discreet in the ventral belt, to store small objects
- a strap connecting the shoulder straps to increase comfort and better distribute the weight of baby
- Recommended baby age - 0 - 4 years
- Carrying positions - Front & Back
- Kind of Baby Carriers - Full Buckle
- Baby's weight - 3.5 to 20 kg approx.
- Made in - Asia
- Waistbelt measures - 63 - 147 cm
- Panel Height - De 30 à 40 cm
- Seat width - De 20 à 53 cm
- Main advantage - Le plus adaptatif du marché
- Warranty - 2 years
- Width - 50cm
- Weight - 750 g
- Material - 100 % Cotton
- Brand - BABILOL - 28 rue du Moulin à Huile - Ecoparc La Garrigue, 34725 Saint-André-de-Sangonis email :
- Référence : BOBAX016
- EAN : 0817579013689
Send us your questionA partir de quel âge est il possible de porter bebe sur le dos avec le porte bebe boba X ?
Merci pour votre question.
La position dorsale avec un porte-bébé préformé se fait aux environs de 4-6 mois. Pour vous aider, voici les différents signes qui indiquent la possibilité du portage dos ou hanche :
- Bébé tourne sa tête seul, et tient bien sa tête.
- Quand il est allongé sur le dos, bébé soulève ses pieds du sol. S’il parvient à faire la balancelle avec le poids de son corps, les genoux peuvent donc désormais embrasser le porteur (dans le porte-bébé, en écharpe ou aux bras).
- Il parvient à tourner sur le ventre et à prendre appui sur ses bras pour décoller le torse. Cela signifie que la partie haute de son corps est suffisamment musclée.
Quand ses 3 conditions sont réunies, alors votre bébé est prêt pour être mis dans votre dos.
Belle journée à vous.