Laundry Soapix liquid 2.5 L
Its composition clean allows the laundry Soapix to classr as a detergent environment-friendly : does not contain :
- phthalate, phosphate, fragrance, dye, preservative, optical brightener for sulfate
The laundry Soapix turns out to be ideal for the maintenance of cloth diapers because :
- it does not foul the fibers
- it does not leave any residue on the tissue
- it neutralizes the bacteria
The laundry Soapix is not tested on animals.
How to use the laundry Soapix liquid 2.5 L
- 1 tablespoon dose for a load of 5 kg (water not hard)
- For your cloth diapers, we recommend that you disinfect from time to time your cloth diapers with a disinfectant for laundry
- Made in - France
- Weight - 2,7 kg
- Référence : LIQUX500
Send us your questionEst-il possible d'utiliser cette lessive pour les couches lavables ?
Merci pour votre question.
La lessive Soapix ne contient pas de savon, elle pourra donc convenir pour une utilisation avec des couches lavables.
Belle journée à vous.